Silvertop (Eucalyptus sieberi) has flowered heavily around Gembrook and the Bunyip State Forest but to this stage has not yielded much nectar. It has a few weeks of flowering left and hopefully the Cup day rain will help because hives have not gained significant weight. Yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora) is flowering north of the divide and has not been yielding …
Summer Outlook 2018-19
BoM seasonal outlook is worth a watch to see what the next few months’ weather are likely to be like. Summary: November, in particular, is likely to be drier than average in many areas. November to January days are very likely to be warmer than average for most of Australia. Nights are also likely to be warmer than average. A …
Eucalyptus budding for future flowering
In the box ironbark forests around our beehives, there is some new budding in several species for next season. Yellow gum(Eucalyptus leucoxylon) has some smaller trees well budded for winter flowering and some trees are actually already in flower. Larger trees may bud in the winter and spring. Yellow Box (E.melliodora) has some budding and although not heavy, indicates that …
Late summer flowering report
As of the second half of February, our bees are working many species in both northern and southern Victoria. Hives in both areas have excellent brood and good populations of bees, so that if the flowers yield nectar, there should be good honey yields. In the northern country the Grey box(Eucalyptus microcarpa) is well budded and flowering has just commenced …
Flowering Eucalypts Report
As of late January 2012, there a several species of flowering eucalypts that our bees are working. North of the Divide, Yellow Box (Eucalyptus melliodora) is still flowering heavily and has been going since late November. Red Stringybark (E. macrorhyncha) is well budded and due to start flowering any day now, this tree provides good pollen and nectar for the …