In the box ironbark forests around our beehives, there is some new budding in several species for next season. Yellow gum(Eucalyptus leucoxylon) has some smaller trees well budded for winter flowering and some trees are actually already in flower. Larger trees may bud in the winter and spring.
Yellow Box (E.melliodora) has some budding and although not heavy, indicates that there may be prospects in the spring.
Red Ironbark(E.sideroxylon) has some budding for winter flowering and hives could quietly fill on warm winter days if these occur. It can be a pleasant surprise for beekeepers to find a full box of ironbark honey at the end of winter at the first inspection.
Red Gum(E.camuldensis) has good budding on some trees and a light to negligible budding on others. This will be the first flowering for two years and may result in a reasonable flowering from December for a few weeks.
South of the divide there is budding on Silvertop Stringybark(E.sieberi) for spring flowering and Messmate Stringybark(E.obliqua) for summer flowering.